General Information & Coordinator Pack

Important Info for the 2024 Event

Hello Game Designers & Site Coordinators,

We here at Skoolcade are honored that you have chosen to participate in this event!

This year, we are planning to hold a live, in-person event.  However, steps to keep our participants healthy will be taken.  


As you know, designing a game from scratch is not an easy task.  Many of our students have done just that!  They have shown grit, perseverance, and creativity to get that game working.

The time to celebrate their creativity is almost here!  We look forward to celebrating our student's efforts by creating a fun & rewarding experience. 

The gameplay inside will be interrupted to go outside and visit the STEAM Playground where we will have robotics demonstrations, a drone exhibition & test flights, a make it - take it projects, a VR experience & more.  The prizes for the top 3 winners in each category are also very cool!

So, to the important info:

* The top 3 games from your site need to be turned in by Friday, April 12, 2024.   

*All games will be forwarded to the judges so they will have almost 2 weeks to play and score the games.

* April 27, 2024 - Skoolcade Main Event - We are opening registration at 8:30 am.  This will give school teams time to set up their table, banners (if you have one), & games.  Each school team will have a round table with one flat-screen tv, electricity, chairs, and a name card.   You must bring your own computers, controllers, or anything specific to your gameplay.

* Game designers must be accompanied by an adult.  This can be a parent, guardian, or site coordinator.   All adults are encouraged to mingle, play games, eat, and have some fun.  

*Press release forms will be available at the registration table.  

*Google map to the Ventura County Office of Education. 


*8:30 - 9:00 am - Gamers setup time

* 9:00 am - Skoolcade will officially begin - Game exploration time begins so your game designers can mingle and play other designer's games.  Judge interviews will also begin at this time.  Your group will be given an approximate time when the judges will be at your table.  Please have all game designers present at your table so the judges can ask the designers about their games.  There will be 6 judges assigned to each category.  All 6 will listen as one judge asks the questions listed on the Scoring Rubric.  There may be follow-up questions.  Each interview will last no longer than 5 minutes and is mostly to give the game designer a chance to explain their design story.

* 11:30 - STEAM Playground opens in the Quad - Judges finish interviews & meet - lunch is served - 

* 12:30 - All attendees will return to the Skoolcade Game Arcade

* 12:45 - Guest Speaker will speak

* 1:00 - Awards will be handed out

* 1:30 - Skoolcade 2023 will wrap up



The Judges Panel is impressive!  Professionals from NAVAIR Pt. Magu, Two Bit Circus, Blizzard Entertainment, Riot Games, Matter Labs, Bootstrap, Rio Schools Tech Services, Ocean View IT, and others have graciously volunteered their time in the past.  

One last note:  Many thanks go out to our gracious supporters that make this event possible.  

- The Rio School District  for supporting our event for the past 8 years!

- MJP/STS Technologies has supported us with a generous grant that has enabled us to spend our limited time creating this event, researching/purchasing prizes & shirts, and enjoying our own student game designers instead of searching for funding.  Many thanks to Mr. Indy Batra, Marc Netka & all the crew at STS!  Thank you for supporting the Skoolcade Scholarship Award!